Er season 11 episode 1 one for the road
Er season 11 episode 1 one for the road

er season 11 episode 1 one for the road

Rather than plot development, this episode is about a huge character moment: Nicky traveling across the country because he’s finally ready to open himself up to being part of a family. If you boil this episode down to the beats that move the Pearson family story forward, it literally comes down to “Nicky travels to California to stay with Kevin,” which is a beat that actually happened last week - so, basically, no forward motion. Sometimes, these deep character dives can seem a little rambling, but “One Small Step …” is an example of how well they can work when properly pulled off.

er season 11 episode 1 one for the road


If sprawling character development is what you’re looking for in a TV show, then the lack of forward motion may not bother you (though this season has felt particularly slow, perhaps because of how delayed the episodes have been because of COVID, but not entirely). Its priority has always been to constantly develop and expand our knowledge of the characters who inhabit this world, no matter how peripheral they may be to the central story.

er season 11 episode 1 one for the road

It’s baked into the premise, really, what with all the looking back to understand the present. If you’ve been watching This Is Us from the beginning, or even for just a few episodes, you know this show isn’t too concerned with moving the plot forward.

Er season 11 episode 1 one for the road